CIEH Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering

It is a legal requirement for all people who handle food to undertake training in Food Safety. This one day course covers the following areas:

Introduction to Food Safety
understanding terminology associated with Food Safety and the benefits of good Food Safety practice.

The Law
we examine the role, and powers, of enforcement officers; penalties for non-compliance and food handler requirements. We will examine what is meant by 'due diligence' and why it is so important.

Food Safety Hazards
we examine the different types of contamination and causes of food poisoning along with learning about how bacteria multiply; which foods are classed as high risk and how to avoid cross contamination.

Hot holding; cooking; chilling are all covered, including best practice in each area.

Food Handlers
like the McFly song, "It's all about You" - we discuss personal hygiene and hand washing

Principles of Safe Storage
This section covers preservation of foods; date marking; safe food handling and storage conditions and allergies and food Intolerances.

We look at definitions of cleaning and whether to clean or disinfect? We discuss cleaning schedules, and the need for them.

Food Premises and Equipment
The final session looks at the need for suitable equipment and layout In a commercial kitchen as well as learning about the different types of food pests and how to avoid them.

Please contact us if you would like us to undertake this course for your group, company or organization.