The Ethos of the Academy

As a Rotarian, the ethos of the Four Seasons Cookery Academy is to give back to the community and we do this through a number of different ways.

Four Seasons Cookery Academy visit Kenya

In April, I was fortunate to be one of the staff members involved in Medina College's trip to Nakuru in Kenya with 47 students. We were dispersed to various schools and 15 students and myself worked at a lovely school called Ungana Academy which has 360 students aged from 3 - 11 years of age. They start school so young to ensure that they get a hot meal once a day. There were many projects that we were involved with from painting to teaching but I was involved with the cooking and nutrition aspect and as well as helping to cook the lunch on a log fire, I also delivered nutrition classes through a Swahili translator to breast feeding Moms, pregnant women and adults infected with HIV. Although I was born in Zimbabwe, I have never encountered such abject poverty and it was such a joy to be able to work with these amazing people. A little bit of my heart has been left in Nakuru - and in particular - at Ungana Academy. I will return - taking with me some rotary Water Barrels from Roll out The Barrel Trust - one of the other charities that we support.

We also support Motor Neurone Disease Awareness and, in particular, the Swim the Solent fundraiser which this year is called the Ian Pratt MND Challenge and takes place on Monday 21st July. I am providing nutritional advice for some of the 22 swimmers - from all over the Country.

Our skills and knowledge are also used to keep community ventures and churches trained up in Food Safety - we call it "caring for the carers"

Coming soon

I know that I'm always going on about how good food can really make us feel great and people that I've worked with will remember my mantra "what value is it to us - what's it doing for us"? SO, I'm working on some fact sheets for various ailments such as arthritis; high cholesterol and diabetes to start with. Look for these later on in the year but in the meantime, please follow us on our Facebook LIKE page or on Twitter so that you can ask questions and get immediate responses. I also regularly post snippets of information - ie. 10 top breakfasts; how to enjoy chocolate without the guilt; tweaks to make your cake and eat it. I look forward to hearing from you. xxxx

Contact us for more information.